If you’re reading a lot about marketing your law firm online, two terms that you’ve probably seen a lot are blog posts and landing pages. It might have bothered you that neither of these terms – so ubiquitous in search engine marketing (SEM) – are ever really distinguished from each other.
The differences between landing pages and blog posts, however, are crucial if you want to understand how legal blogging works to build your client book.
Landing Pages v. Blog Posts: Stagnancy
The key difference between landing pages and your blog posts is stagnancy. Your blog posts are meant to move your law firm’s blog along, providing new content and information on a regular basis. Your landing pages, on the other hand, are meant to be stagnant. While blog posts constantly update your blog, your landing pages rarely, if ever, need an update.
Functions in the Marketing Funnel
The differences in stagnancy are just a concrete symptom of the conceptual difference that underlies it: Landing pages and blog posts have different positions in the funnel that brings people to your site and then turns them into paying clients.
Blog posts are meant to cover specific legal issues. People who are looking for information on their legal problem turn to search engines and perform informational searches. Your blog posts are meant to bring them into your marketing funnel by giving them the information that they’re looking for, before guiding them closer to your firm.
While blog posts include a call to action to contact your firm, not everyone is convinced that they need to take that step just yet. This is where landing pages come into play.
By hosting a landing page for all of the legal issues that your law firm handles, you can tell potential clients exactly why you should be the attorney that they hire. By waxing poetic about your accomplishments, skills, and abilities – and using client testimonials, too – you can use landing pages to give potential clients the gentle nudge they might still need to call your office.
Functions in Search Engine Optimization
Blog posts and landing pages also have distinct roles when it comes to search engine optimization (SEO). When people are merely researching a legal problem, they’re more likely to refer to specific legal issues when they do a search engine query. This is where your blog posts are meant to shine. By covering as many discreet and specific legal topics as possible, your blog can be the perfect result for a long tail search.
On the other hand, some people get online already knowing that they need an attorney. They’re more likely to do a transactional query to find, for example, a personal injury attorney in Spokane. These are the kinds of searches that you want your landing pages to rank well in, and by using your blog posts to constantly link to your landing pages, you can improve how they rank in those searches.
Professional Legal Bloggers at Myers Freelance
Marketing your law firm online sounds complex because everything is interconnected. Breaking things down into their constituent parts and pointing out how they work is, to an extent, futile because all of the parts of your website rely on each other to function properly. That’s why having the professionals at Myers Freelance handle your legal blog is crucial if you want to benefit from a strong website.